Thank you for writing these - it's honestly one of my favourite emails to get! I find it fascinating

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Instead of giving us a brown mushroom 🍄‍🟫 emoji why didn’t you just make the option for the existing mushroom 🍄 to change colors? And do that for other emoji’s like swan 🦢 The option to change it to black 🖤 and peacock 🦚 the option to change it to white 🤍 and the heart emoji’s just give us the color change option 🌈 same for the flowers 💐 especially the rose 🌹 still wait on my sea 🌊 turtle 🐢

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Still waiting for a bow tie… 🥺

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Omg! same

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I like the harp. New emojis are always cool, especially musical ones. I’m still planning to submit my Lighthouse, Barn and Dragonfly in the next round. Please keep me updated on the next date to submit. Thank you.

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Add some more emojis like black swan, some other flowers, a bouquet of rose, green flag, a blow tie & some different colour hearts.

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it's time 🚩 became green... decades and that isn't customisable? 😭

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Is that real

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Is it possible to submit suggestions for an emoji yourself? I have designed an emoji and would like to have it reviewed. Maybe you like it.

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Why does the fingerprint’s assigned codepoint differ to what it states in the original proposal?

Here’s the original proposed sequence:

• Joining

– index pointing up (U+261D) + (magnifying glass tilted left (U+1F50D)

OR microscope (U+1F52C)) = FINGERPRINT

Purely curious how this is decided and would appreciate any insight, thank you!

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Recently found this page and instantly subscribed!

Will any of these be emoji zwj sequences or are their assigned codepoints likely finalised?

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Hi! Thank you! Codepoints have been assigned and you can find them in the ESC report here: https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2023/23236r-esc-report-q4-2023.pdf

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I'm convinced that if I could arrange these 7 new emojis in the right order I'd get an episode of Columbo . . .

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Have these been added to 16.0 officially, or are they still just candidates? This seems a bit unclear on that point.

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Hi T Campbell! The provisional candidate status isn't part of the process so much these days. These characters were recommended to the UTC, accepted, and assigned codepoints. Still a long road ahead as Unicode 16.0 gets finalized and becomes more stable.

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